Sàngó The Greatest Òrìṣà (God) of Oyo Empire

Sàngó is one of the greatest Òrìṣà (gods)who is in control of thunder and lightning. He likes justice to always prevails and always help people in conquering their enemies for them.

In Yorùbá religion, Sàngó is one of the most popular “Orisa”. He was a strong ruler and a notable magician. Sango was the third king of the Oyo Kingdom. He succeeded Ajaka, son of Oranmiyan. His symbol is a double-headed axe, which represents swift and balanced justice. 

He is the owner of Bata ( double-headed drums), as well as the Arts of Music, Dance and Entertainment in the Yoruba Culture. In the Lukumí (Olokun mi which means “my dear one”) religion of the Caribbean, Sango is considered the center point of the religion as he represents the Oyo people of West Africa.

Sango had three wives; Osun, (a river goddess) was his favorite because of her excellent cooking, Oba (another river goddess), Lastly, Oya (Sango’s third wife).

Historically, Sango brought prosperity to the Oyo Empire during his reign. He is associated with the sacred animal, the ram, and the colors of red and white. Sango is venerated in 🇭🇹 Haiti, as a god of thunder and weather; in 🇧🇷 Brazil, he is known as Xangô; in Umbanda, as the very powerful loa Nago Shango; in Trinidad🇹🇹 as Shango god of Thunder, drumming and dance ; and in 🇨🇺Cuba, Puerto Rico and Venezuela 🇻🇪– the Santeria equivalent of St. Barbara, he is known as Changó.