Since the invasion and intrusion of African soil by the colonial masters, the African identity, Image and values have been subjected to ridiculous tests from the so-called white men who chose to overrate their culture as being superior and modern while condemning that of Africa as barbaric and devilish. 

Unfortunately, an average African man has been blindfolded to hold the same notion against his identity and norms without any question or oppossing argument to such unfounded assertion posed by some group of people who never took their time and energy to unfold the riches and benefits of African cultural values.

Our enemy didn't only teach you to worship God in his Eurasian image, but also taught you to see African deity as the image of the Devil. 

In a malicious and calculated move, they demonized African spirituality by making the most common symbol in Africa for the Supreme Being (the ram, which was used as a metaphor for perseverance) the symbol of the devil himself. The use of a darkskin reddishbrown color man with ram horns and/or head as the image of Satan is standard in Christianity and Islam.

But now, your very idea of the devil is of a dark reddish-brown ram-horned man....your ancestor's image of the Supreme Being. You've been hoodwinked and bamboozled to worship your enemy and demonize your own ancestors.

The African man has been programmed to flaunt the culture and belief of Arabs, American and Europeans on home soil the effect of which has had tremendous impact on our spiritual belief, culture and civilization. 

Today, we celebrate the success of Bible being interpreted into over 300 languages across Africa yet no one to project our own traditions. We celebrate pastors seen with turban and tie around their necks but condem local beeds and cowries. We celebrate pastors speaking in tongues and reciting Arabic verses yet we demonized incantation.

 Intending couples now invest so much in white wedding to the detriment of traditional one forgetting that even the white wedding is the tradition of some people. Inability to speak good English today will simply earn you a tag of an illiterate forgetting that the English language is a dialect of some people just as we have numerous languages in Africa. Both the Quran and the bible claims god, Muhammad, Jesus and all the angels are white and only Satan is black like Africans. 

From whatever angle one looks at the continent of Africa today, we see nothing but a generation that has despised it's identity and values while embracing the identity, values and culture of the Westerners.

 Thus, an African who chooses to adorn himself with African attires and objects would have to explain himself as to reason why he chose to parade himself on the street of Africa in an African object and element craved by African artisans failure of which may earn him a title of an herbalist and would unfortunately be treated as an example of what to avoid simply because he chooses to showcase his African identity.